Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Harry Potter!!!

Yes, I am a Harry Potter fanatic!!!
So I talked
Chris and Jen into going to the
midnight showing of "The Half Blood Prince"!!!

Chris even dressed up as Harry and looked really great!!!
But there was only one other person who dressed up
and she wanted a picture of the two of them together.
She made a really impressive Severus Snape.

My camera started to go fuzzy
(I think because the battery was low)
so the picture of Jen and Chris and I didn't turn out
but the movie was terrific!!!
I will probably go again with Wayne later this week!!
(did I say I am a fanatic!!)


Jen said...

We had fun! Thanks for inviting us. I really liked the movie although I hadn't seen half of them!

Carolina girl said...

I LOVE Harry Potter too, and can't wait to see the movie. I'm hoping Aaron and I can go on a date Friday night and see it. Maybe we could all go together. :)

Sally said...

Dressed up like that Chris does make a very good Harry Potter likeness!